Welcome to the CERTIFIED Sharpie Store. You will buy here only original, highest quality products of the cult marker icon - the Sharpie brand. The store is managed by Grupa Sterion Sp. z o.o. located at al. Niepodległości 58 in Warsaw.
1857 Frederick W. Redington and William H. Sanford founded the Jr. Sanford Manufacturing Company in Worcester, Massachusetts (USA). The company focused on manufacturing and selling ink and glue.
1952 The Sanford Company continued to develop. Quality products and efficient distribution helped the company grow, even during the Great Depression. In 1940, the company changed its name to Sanford Ink Company.
1964 Sanford introduced a new brand in the U.S. market - Sharpie. Its flagship product, the black Sharpie Fine Point marker, became the first permanent marker in the shape we all know. It writes on almost any surface, from glass, wood and stone to plastic, metal and, of course, paper. NBC talk show hosts Johnny Carson and Jack Parr were among the first celebrities to advertise a new product: the Sharpie permanent marker.
1979 A new pen tip is introduced in a new design and in four colors. The new product was named Sharpie Extra Fine Point.
1992 The popularity of Sharpie markers continued to grow, thanks in part to the $5 billion memorabilia industry. Autograph seekers and celebrities alike used Sharpie markers on everything from posters and trading cards to balls and t-shirts.
2002 - 2005 New Sharpie products see an increase in sales with the introduction of 6 new product lines and the introduction of 12 more colors. As of now up to 24 different marker colors are available - a significant competitive advantage.
2005 The American Sharpie brand celebrates its 40th anniversary.
2005 - 2025 The Sharpie brand sells many more products than just traditional markers. The new products are designed to write and mark on virtually any surface from paper to porcelain and metal. A huge range of colors sets sharpie apart from the competition. Sharpie is the world famous icon of permanent markers.